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In an effort to be faithful stewards with what God has entrusted us with, we now offer online giving to our congregation and guest. The hope and prayer of Christian Assembly is that offering online giving will allow us to accomplish a couple of things.
First, flexibility for our members and Guest: You’ll be able to give your tithes and offerings in several different ways. Of course, you’ll still be able to give via a check, even through our online giving platform and also give with a credit or debit card.
Second, help all of us better develop a habit of giving regularly. Online giving is going to help us be better stewards by affording you the opportunity to give on a regular basis. You will be able to set up recurring tithes and offerings. It’s not just paying a bill. It’s being obedient to God and fulfilling what He calls us to do.
Giving is truly a worship experience, and online giving can enrich that experience. Without it, we may miss out on an incredible way of becoming more like Christ, both as individuals and as members of His Church.